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Cellulite on thighs and buttocks
Cellulite is a topographic skin change that occurs in most postpubertal females.It presents itself as a modification of skin topography evident by skin dimpling and nodularity that occurs mainly in women on the pelvic region, lower limbs, and abdomen, and is caused by the herniation of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue, leading to a padded or orange peel–like appearance. Cellulite is a description rather than a physical object.The term was first used in the 1920s, and began appearing in English language publications in the late 1960s, with the earliest reference in Vogue magazine, "Like a swift migrating fish, the word cellulite has suddenly crossed the Atlantic."[4] Its existence as a real disorder has been questioned,and the prevailing medical opinion is that it is merely the "normal condition of many women".One cosmetic company has noted its historical place in industrialised societies as an "inappropriate term used by women to describe curves which they judge to be too plump and not very aesthetic".
Synonyms include: adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, status protrusus cutis, and gynoid lipodystrophy. Descriptive names for cellulite include orange peel syndrome, and cottage cheese skin.


Cellulite is thought to occur in 80-90% of postpubertal females. There appears to be a hormonal component to its presentation. It is rarely seen in males, but is more common in males with androgen-deficient states, such as Klinefelter's syndrome, hypogonadism, postcastration states and in those patients receiving estrogen therapy for prostate cancer. The cellulite becomes more severe as the androgen deficiency worsens in these males.

Truth About Cellulite

Any woman, no matter how petite or voluptuous, may be prone to experiencing unsightly cellulite! It is something that we fear all year round, but especially during bathing suit season. Most don’t know exactly what causes cellulite, but they know that it is embarrassing  and stubborn as even the most vigorous exercise does not seem to make it budge. The truth is that cellulite is the result of fat deposits just below the skin which cause the not-so-cute dimpling effect on parts of the body such as the belly, butt and thighs. Although there is not one clear and direct path to cellulite city, there are a number of explanations that may cause one to have it. On the other hand, there are also a number of technical and natural remedies to alleviate yourself from the “cottage cheese” effect.

What Causes Cellulite?

Hormones: Cellulite usually occurs only after puberty and this is because of the hormonal connection to the production of it. Specifically, estrogen, insulin, noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin have been associated with the production of cellulite. Because hormones are so closely linked, oral contraceptives and pregnancy may increase the appearance of cellulite, even if you have been lucky enough to avoid it earlier in life.
Genetics: As with many other biologic factors, some may be genetically predispositioned to have cellulite. So you can thank your mothers this coming Mother’s Day for this great gift if you have it. Factors such as race, gender and fat distribution are all genetic links and contributors to the presence of cellulite.
Diet: You are what you eat! (That doesn’t mean eating cottage cheese is what gives you cottage cheese thighs.)That is to say if you eat a lot of junk food that is high in sugar, fat and salt, you may be more prone to get cellulite. A low fiber diet can contribute to its appearance as well. If you are pretty health conscious in the first place, you shouldn’t have an issue improving your diet if that is the culprit of your specific type of cellulite.
Lifestyle: Going along with a healthy diet, the more active you are, the less likely you are to experience annoying cellulite! It makes sense that people who smoke or are pretty sedentary will be more likely get cellulite. If your job requires you to sit all day, you may especially want to get moving to fight it off.

How to get rid of it???

Here is my The

review – “I hate my cellulite” how many times have you said that to yourself, well now you can do something about it.
Joey Atlas the mastermind behind the Ultimate Leg, Butt, Hip & Thigh Exercises & Workouts has come up with an exercise plan that targets those lumpy areas on your butt and legs. A simple straight forward plan, that will tighten those muscles and make you start feeling better about yourself.
How great will it feel to stop having to buy all those different cellulite cream treatments that don’t work the way they have been promised?
Truth about cellulite review 1 The Truth about Cellulite review
Yes they do make your skin feel smother and softer but they never get to the route of the problem.
So how does The truth about cellulite work?
•        8 cellulite exercises that will tighten your muscles and make those lumps disappear.
•        20 Minutes is all you need to start making a difference to your orange peel skin.
•        Every other day 3 times a week and in 4 weeks you should see a real difference.
It sounds too simple to be true but you will see changes in the way your butt and thighs look. Your butt will start to move up and stop sagging and your legs will become more toned.
Click Here to watch A video and Let Joey Explain to you about Cellulite
So why should you trust Joey Atlas?
Joey has been in the fitness industry for 23 years and has helped many of us to get into shape he is a body sculpting expert. He has products on Amazon and he knows what he is talking about when it comes to cellulite reduction

The Truth about Cellulite review what other people think about Joey’s Training

I’ve tried all the big name programs over the years. When I first came across Joey Atlas I was a touch sceptical only because I had never heard of him. After reading his information and understanding his philosophy I decided to give his stuff a try. His methods are unlike any other program I have ever tried. But what’s truly incredible is that almost the entire workout can be done with nothing more than a floor mat.
Despite the ‘non-gym’ approach – this program delivers excellent results. As a fitness person and instructor I highly recommend this program to any woman who wants to improve her lower body.
Beth Smith
When I first came across Joey Atlas DVD I had never heard of him so I had to Google Joey Atlas on the internet and found more information. His methods in training are unlike any other program I’ve participated in the past. If you want a work out to tone, trim, lift and reduce cellulite and reshape your lower body this is the one for you. It’s undoubtedly a great way to get in shape in the comfort of your own home.
Trish Minton
I purchased the e-book version sometime earlier last year and have really enjoyed it. I printed it off and take it with me to the track and have even shared the exercises with friends they are the best exercise for cellulite that I have seen. It’s nice not having to go to the gym and pay for training. It’s the combination and order of the exercises that yield the results. I’ve lifted my backside and my thighs are nice and curvy, that’s not to scare any women who want to slim these areas…follow the instructions Joey lays out and you’ll do just that! I just prefer a curvier ‘Beyoncé’ look to my body.
Jennifer Serratore
This is exactly what I was looking for. I like the personal trainer feel. All the attention is focused on body movement. It’s been perfect.
The Truth about Cellulite review so what’s the down side.
If you are looking for a cellulite programme recorded in an exercise studio with loud music and filmed with lots of bright lights then you will be disappointed. Joey’s approach is much more laid back the videos are clear to see and he talks you through the exercises as he is doing them. Once you get the hang of them then you could put on your favourite track and work out to that if you want to.
I would have liked to have had the option of downloading the video’s instead of having to login to the members area every time but he has got the eBook that has all the cellulite exercises covered with pictures and an explanation.
Overall I think this a good all round anti cellulite exercise program. So if you want to try something different and you are fed up with spending your hard earned cash on cellulite treatments and want to look good naked then give it a try and remember one of the best thing is you will have 60 days to try out and if you don’t lose those lumps and bumps you have a money back guarantee.

For an Amazing Secret way to Get Rid of Cellulite Forever, Download Now:
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